The Preservation League of NYS Responds to the FY2021-22 NYS Budget

On April 6, 2021, Governor Cuomo and the NYS Legislature reached their final budget agreements. We are incredibly grateful to the legislature and governor for their commitment to historic preservation, reflected in multiple budget initiatives. Please join us in thanking the Governor, NYS Assembly, and NYS Senate for their support. And thank YOU to all who called and wrote your legislators and the governor's office to express your support for historic preservation!

NYS Historic Tax Credit Small Project Access Improvement

Thank you to the Legislature and Governor for increasing the NYS Historic Tax Credit for small projects. This improvement will help small business and Main Street building owners rehabilitate their historic buildings, while ensuring that the NYS Historic Tax Credit serves as an incentive throughout our upstate urban centers, by increasing the NYS Historic Tax Credit from 20% to 30% for small projects under $2.5 million.

We were proud to support the Assembly and Senate bills that laid the groundwork for budget passage, A.3670 (Woerner) and S.4439 (Kennedy). Last year in NYS a job was created for every $12,000 of Historic Tax Credit investment. As part of economic recovery, improving program access to small projects will create community revitalization, sustainable economic growth, and the protection of historic buildings and landscapes.

A big thank you to our legislative supporters, who have championed this initiative for over two years. In the Assembly, those supporters include prime sponsor Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner and bill co-sponsors Assemblymembers Steve Englebright, John McDonald, Sarah Clark, Michael Durso, William Magnarelli, Donna Lupardo, Patricia Fahy, Steven Otis, Pamela Hunter, Robert Smullen, and Karl Brabenec. In the Senate, our supporters include prime sponsor Senator Timothy Kennedy and bill co-sponsors Senators José Serrano, Elijah Reichlin-Melnick, Anna Kaplan, Samra Brouk, Michelle Hinchey, Neil Breslin, Mike Martucci, and George Borrello.

Protecting the NYS Canal System

Thank you to the NYS Legislature and Governor Cuomo for coming together to protect our National Historic Landmark NYS Canal System. We appreciate their intentional omission of the Governor's 30-day amendment that would have disbanded the Canal Recreationway Commission while creating a duplicative new public benefit corporation and increasing the NY Power Authority's bonding ability.

With these proposed substantive changes to our National Historic Landmark NYS Canal System off the table for now, we look forward to engaging in open discussion about the future of our historic Erie, Champlain, Oswego, and Cayuga/Seneca Canals.

Stopping Urban Renewal at Penn Station

The NYS Assembly and Senate have negotiated with the Governor's office to rein in the proposed "Empire Station" complex surrounding Penn Station. As proposed by Governor Cuomo, this project would have leveled multiple blocks surrounding Penn Station. These blocks are currently home to countless small businesses, the last remaining McKim Mead and White building associated as part of the original Penn Station, an 1872 church and convent, and the many small mixed-use buildings that form the fabric of New York City.

The final Capital Projects Appropriations bill does not allow the appropriated $1.3 billion to be spent on any above-ground development, but only in "furtherance of the Empire Penn Expansion or other transportation improvement projects."

Thank you all for supporting historic preservation and the Preservation League. Please consider contacting your state legislator and the governor's office to share your appreciation for their leadership in recognizing the importance of preservation in New York State's economic recovery.