We often think of the core threats to historic preservation as deterioration, development, and demolition, but our historic and cultural assets are also routinely and increasingly threatened by natural disasters, including flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, earthquakes, and mudslides. Nationwide, preservationists are seeking best practices to combat the negative impact to historic buildings resulting from increased storm severity, sea-level rise, and other detrimental impacts to those places we treasure most. Take a look at these helpful resources to keep you up to date on the latest in resiliency and disaster planning.
Case Studies from New York State
The Peter Crippen House sits on marshy land prone to flooding. The Town of Huntington received a Technical Assistance Grant from the League in 2020 to fund an Engineering Structural Analysis to determine if and how they could relocate the oldest section of the house to a site more suitable to its long term preservation. (TAG is a regrant partnership program between the League and the New York State Council on the Arts)
Top Resources
Disaster Relief and Recovery Resources from the National Trust for Historic Preservation
This resource guide from the NTHP includes information concerning the AIA Disaster Assistance Program, National Heritage Responders, Federal Disaster Assistance, General Disaster Response and Recovery Information, Hurricane and Flood Damage Resources, and Home Repair strategies & Assistance.
Keeping History Above Water began as a simple idea for a conference hosted by the Newport Restoration Foundation in the spring of 2016. In the years since, Keeping History Above Water has expanded to include a variety of activities related to climate and cultural heritage across Rhode Island and around the world. Annual conferences, hosted in vulnerable regions across the country, are a centerpiece of Keeping History Above Water.
Take a look how resiliency plays a role in the New York State Historic Preservation Plan, prepared by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (2015-2020). (2021 release is forthcoming)
New York State Flood Risk Management Guidance for Implementation of the Community Risk & Resiliency Act | Department of Environmental Conservation (2020)
State Hazard Mitigation Plan | Mitigate New York (2019)
NYS Climate Action Plan | Department of Environmental Conservation (2010)
Technical Resources for Buildings Damaged by Flooding
A Victorian house being raised above flood levels in the village of Sidney, Delaware County.
10 Tips for Bringing Historic Properties Back from a Flood | National Trust for Historic Preservation (2016)
Treatment of Flood-Damaged Older and Historic Buildings | National Trust for Historic Preservation (2005)
Future Mitigation Strategies for Flood-Prone Regions
New York City Stormwater Resiliency Plan | NYC Mayor's Office of Resiliency (2021)
Integrating Historic Property & Cultural Resources into Hazard Mitigation Planning | FEMA (2005)
Guidelines on Flood Adaptation for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (2019) (more info on their website)
New York Flood Guideline Examples
Village of Afton (draft) flooding/revitalization plan (2018)
Schenectady (Stockade) HD Flood Mitigation Design Guidelines (2017), and more flood history in this historic district
Out-of-State Flood Guideline and Management Examples
Design Guidelines for the Somers Point Historic Preservation District | Somer's Point, NJ (2014)
Elevation Design Guidelines, For Historic Homes in the Mississippi Gulf Coast Region | Mississippi Development Authority
Floodplain Management Information | Apalachicola Historic District