Technical Assistance Grants - 2020
The 2020 Technical Assistance Grant round awarded $96,644 to 26 projects in 18 counties, the largest TAG round in both number of projects and dollars distributed. The successful applicants each provide a twenty percent cash match toward the total cost of their projects. With the announcement of the 2020 awards, support provided by TAG since its launch in 2012 totals $471,021. These grants have directly advanced 155 historic preservation efforts. Click here to read the press release.
The Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) program is a partnership between the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) and the Preservation League. These programs are made possible with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. Generous additional support for this program in 2020 has been provided by the Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation for nonprofit projects in Nassau and Suffolk Counties* and the Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area for projects occurring in the National Heritage Area**.

Albany County
The Free School** - $4,000
Free School Feasibility Reuse Study
Shaker Heritage Society** - $4,000
Shaker Heritage Barn Feasibility Reuse Study
Grand Street Community Arts** - $4,000
St. Anthony's Church Handicapped Accessibility Study
Cayuga County
Cayuga Museum of History and Art - $3,920
Willard-Case Mansion and Carriage House Roof Investigation
Seward House Museum - $4,000
Seward House Museum Feasibility Reuse Study
Chenango County
Chenango County Historical Society - $4,000
City of Norwich Ward School No. 2 Building Condition Survey
Columbia County
Millay Colony for the Arts** - $3,840
Barn at the Millay Colony for the Arts Building Condition Survey
Friends of East Gate Toll House** - $4,000
East Gate Toll House Engineering Structural Analysis
Erie County
Preservation Buffalo Niagara - $1,992
Eliza Quirk House Specialized Conservation Study
Fulton County
Caroga Arts Collective - $4,000
Sherman's Park Main Building Feasibility Reuse Study
Greene County
Hudson-Area Lighthouse Preservation Society - $4,000
Hudson-Athens Lighthouse Engineering Structural Analysis
Nassau County
Science Museum of Long Island* - $4,000
Norwood House Building Condition Survey
North Shore Land Alliance* - $2,320
Tavern (Humes) House Engineering Structural Analysis
New York County
Tenement Museum - $3,760
Tenement Museum Engineering Structural Analysis
Niagara County
Acacia Park Cemetery Association - $3,676
Acacia Park Cemetery Building Condition Survey
Oneida County
Waterville Historical Society - $3,280
Waterville Historical Society Building Condition Survey
Putnam County
Town of Southeast Cultural Arts Coalition** - $4,000
Southeast Old Town Hall Engineering Structural Analysis
Boscobel House and Gardens** - $2,496
Boscobel (Dyckman-Cruger Residence) Specialized Conservation Study
Rensselaer County
Media Alliance** - $3,760
Sanctuary for Independent Media Building Condition Survey
Schenectady County
City of Schenectady - $4,000
Historic Stockade 1913 Pump Station Feasibility Reuse Study
St. Lawrence County
Village of Potsdam - $3,600
Potsdam Public Museum, Civic Center Building Condition Survey
Suffolk County
Hallockville, Inc.* - $4,000
Naugles Barn Feasibility Study
Town of Huntington* - $4,000
Peter Crippen House Engineering Structural Analysis
Ulster County
D&H Canal Historical Society** - $4,000
DePuy Canal House - Historic Paint Analysis/Paint Archaeology
Women’s Studio Workshop** - $4,000
Women's Studio Workshop - Engineering Structural Analysis
Westchester County
Committee to Save the Bird Homestead **- $4,000
Bird Homestead - Handicapped Accessibility Study