The League's First Newsletter (1975)

In honor of the League’s 50th Anniversary this year, we’re looking back on past highlights and digging into our archives. One of the earliest pieces we found was the League’s very first printed newsletter, published for our members in the summer of 1975. Read on to see what was going on with preservation in NYS back then…

Click the image for a PDF of the full newsletter!

“We take special pride in presenting our very first issue of the PRESERVATION LEAGUE NEWSLETTER, designed exclusively for the information and interest of our members.

To give you an idea of what to expect in the future, forthcoming issues will consist mainly of activities and projects in the New York State League (current and up-coming events, reports on progress of current projects and news of future plans for new projects); we'll also include funding resources for New York State projects as well as suggestions and information on new sources of funds. Also, from time to time, we'll offer suggestions of reference material (books and periodicals).

The newsletters will also include reprints of legislation and other articles of interest, and national news that directly affects New York State projects.

We sincerely hope that you find this first issue, as well as all the issues following --both informative and interesting. We also welcome your suggestions and contributions of personal experiences or articles of interest to members.”

Katy Peace50th anniversary