Voices of Preservation: Larry Francer on Parrott Hall
The effort to save Parrott Hall has relied on a collaborative effort of several groups, including our colleagues at The Landmark Society of Western New York (LSWNY). In this guest blog post, LSWNY Assistant Director Larry Francer provides an update on how things have been moving along since contracts were awarded back in September.
Members of the Parrott Hall Coalition standing on Parrott Hall’s porch. From left to right: Erin Tobin (Preservation League of NYS), Caitlin Meives (LSWNY), Bruce Reich (Friends of Parrott Hall), Christina Vagvolgyi (SHPO), Julian Adams (SHPO), and Larry Francer (LSWNY)
Back in September, we were thrilled to announce that Clinton Brown Company Architecture, pc was awarded the contract to perform a Feasibility Study on Parrott Hall. The team that Clint has assembled includes Gerald Kelly Capital, Heritage Resources LLC, and Newmark to study conditions and adaptive reuse. The stakeholders that are currently being interviewed are the Friends of Parrott Hall, Cornell AgriTech, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, NY Parks Regional Finger Lakes Office, New York's State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), the City of Geneva, Geneva Historical Society, Ontario County Economic Development, The Landmark Society, and the Preservation League.
Bi-weekly meetings with the Parrott Hall Coalition have been enlightening as we discuss possible uses that have been suggested and additional stakeholders whose input could add to the discussion. Parrott Hall is a very challenging project since it is landlocked within the AgriTech campus, so a use that complements the innovative research in food and agriculture has been a priority. Some ideas that have been discussed are adapting the building for a restaurant, offices, educational space, an inn, or museum. The study, funded through the Preservation League of New York State’s prestigious Donald Stephen Gratz Preservation Services Fund as well as a grant from The Landmark Society of Western New York’s Preservation Grant Fund, is scheduled to be completed by December 31, 2020.
The partnership with the League and the Friends of Parrott Hall has been a very rewarding experience for Caitlin [Meives, Director of Preservation at LSWNY] and myself and we would especially like to call attention to the fundraising progress that the Friends have made. I know we all are looking forward to receiving the final Feasibility Study and moving ahead to the next phase of this exciting project.