Voices of Preservation: Historic preservation must be a part of the Micron planning efforts

In this editorial, the Preservation Association of Central New York’s President Andrew Roblee lays out how historic preservation can play a crucial role in a revitalized Central New York. Micron Technology’s planned semiconductor fabrication facility in Clay (about 15 miles outside of Syracuse) would have a profound effect on the region for many years to come. As a recent article from the Syracuse Post-Standard asks, “Micron would change Syracuse area for decades to come. Are we up to the challenge?”

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Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credits for Fiscal Year 2021

We know that Historic Tax Credits are a crucial tool for preserving and rehabilitating historic buildings — which is why it is so important that we have hard numbers that prove just how immense the impact is. The National Park Service’s Annual Report detailing the economic impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit is an invaluable resource as preservation advocates continue to promote the importance of maintaining and enhancing Historic Tax Credits.

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PastForward (Virtual) Congressional Visits

During the recent PastForward virtual conference, the League was pleased to again lead New York’s team of advocates as we met with key members of our state’s Congressional delegation to share our enthusiasm for preservation. Although the timing of the conference – just days before the midterm elections, November 1-4 – was challenging, we held a series of productive meetings in which we thanked representatives and their staffers for their support, updated them on federal preservation issues, and requested their support for our current priorities.

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Excellence Award Spotlight: El Barrio Cultural Resource Survey

“We are thrilled that the East Harlem South / El Barrio Reconnaissance-Level Historic Resource Survey has been recognized by the Preservation League with this award,” said Chris Cirillo, Executive Director/President of Ascendant Neighborhood Development (AND) and Member of Landmark East Harlem (LEH), which co-sponsored the project. “The extraordinary work of our preservation consultant, Marissa Marvelli, has raised the bar on historic resources surveys. Focusing on culture and community, the survey prioritizes people over buildings.”

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Excellence Award Spotlight: Steve Jordan

When asked what he hopes his legacy will be, Steve Jordan said, “I hope my legacy will be of someone dedicated to historic preservation and its ability to lift and highlight worthy neighborhoods, districts, and properties for the betterment and education of future citizens. I hope my legacy endures through my books, magazine, and journal articles written over 40 years. And I hope I’ve passed a few skills to others who will carry on a preservation trade tradition.”

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Excellence Award Spotlight: Church of St. Luke & St. Matthew Exterior Restoration

“We are very grateful to receive this award from the Preservation League of New York State in recognition of an exceptional team effort to initiate this project and bring it to completion,” said Rev. Andrew Durbidge, Rector of St Luke & St Matthew. “This parish church has existed on this site since 1841. The building represents the hard work and faithful contributions of many parishioners over these many years. It is a magnificent building and a tribute to past parishioners’ faithfulness in God. We carry on their legacy in caring for this landmark in Clinton Hill, to benefit future parishioners and the local community.”

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Excellence Award Spotlight: The Pavilion at Fort Ticonderoga

“The Pavilion restoration project saved a national treasure while expanding Fort Ticonderoga's capacity as a major cultural destination,” said Beth L. Hill, Fort Ticonderoga President and CEO. “The completed Pavilion includes expanded visitor amenities, conference center and private rental capacity, and new educational and exhibition space.”

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Excellence Award Spotlight: Gowanda Hollywood Theater

“Flynn Battaglia Architects has been very proud to be a part of this important community effort,” said Nancy Redeye, Senior Project Manager at Flynn Battaglia. “A small town, cultural asset has been brought back to life after 14 years of committed efforts by Gowanda’s Historic Hollywood Theater organization and the preservation design team, to provide continued use by the Southern Tier region, as its founder originally intended almost 100 years ago.”

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Disability Justice in Preservation

Historic sites can struggle with modern accessibility requirements. But how can we push past compliance to build a truly equitable and accessible baseline for everyone who engages with historic buildings? This Zoom panel explored work being done around disability justice in the preservation field, to go beyond ADA access and look at a more holistic vision for accessibility in historic spaces.

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Giving New Life to a Historic Building – The Historic Ford Block

The Downtown Oneonta Historic District is included on the League’s 2022-2023 Seven to Save list. As part of our outreach, we contacted local nonprofit Springbrook to learn more about their current Historic Tax Credit project in the downtown district. In addition to graciously hosting us for a tour of the building, they also shared this guest blog post. Keep reading to learn more about the revitalization of the Ford Block building.

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Working on a Tax Credit Project? Invite Your Representative to See It!

Members of Congress are generally in their home districts in October, so now is a great time to contact your Representative to invite them to tour a local Historic Tax Credit project! Visits to rehabilitated historic buildings – or projects in progress – are great opportunities for you to educate legislators about the benefits of historic preservation in your community. Congresspeople welcome the chance to visit exciting projects in their own hometowns and connect with constituents who are doing great work. They can see for themselves how rehabilitated historic buildings contribute to the vitality and vibrancy of local communities, and you can boost your connections with your lawmakers and their staff.

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