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Announcing the 2022-2023 Seven to Save List

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Notes From the Field

Our Focus Areas

From modest beginnings to partnerships promoting the latest in preservation technology, sustainability, and economic development, the League has come a long way since its founding in 1974.


shaping policy

The League advocates in both Albany and Washington, D.C. to advance incentives for preservation.

sharing expertise

The League offers workshops on how to access tax credits for making repairs on old buildings, reuse vacant upper floors of Main Street buildings, and make historic properties more energy efficient.

making loans

The League's Endangered Properties Intervention Program (EPIP) provides loan funding to those working to acquire, stabilize and restore endangered historic properties.

awarding excellence

The League celebrates projects, individuals and organizations that are doing exemplary work through its Excellence in Historic Preservation Awards.

highlighting threats

The League draws statewide attention to New York's most important and at-risk historic places through its Seven to Save list of endangered places.

building capacity

The League provides timely grants that jump-start preservation projects all across the state, as well as offering robust assistance and advice to those completing grant applications and projects.

recognizing leadership

The League's Excelsior Society recognizes those League supporters who generously underwrite its statewide work.

So our past has a future

The League's successful advocacy for the creation of the New York State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program and other incentives has helped spur a wave of reinvestment in our historic communities.

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